The Botswana Stock Exchange is made up of geniuses who spend half their lives punching numbers and wrecking their brains trying to figure out what the financial world will be like in 12 months. Poor things, bless their smart minds. I do have quite an above average appreciation of the stock market. I do understand risk and high risk investments usually reap high rewards or high losses; medium risk investments reap medium rewards or losses and low risk investments are just downright boring!
This brought me to an interesting realization. Everyday we invest in ourselves by bathing, dressing up to kill and so forth. The level to which you invest in yourself tells of whether you are high, medium or low risk. A high risk person is the one whom when you invest your time, money and love in them, you are bound to get quite a lot out of them either through society seeing you as successful or through them making your life easier as we see with American first couple Barack and Michelle. Michelle is a high investment woman who seems to know what she wants and as such anyone who invests in her will get great rewards if they are patient enough.
You see, in investment, your best friend is time and patience. If you are too quick to jump from one investment to another simply because you are seeking better returns, you will lose out in the end. The same with people, give them time and they will show you rewards, or losses unfortunately. The losses are not because of something you did, just that the investment was nonsense in the first place. Those people who seem great but deteriorate into their true colours over time. Eish!
Low risk people do not even try to put a good image to you at the beginning. They are just breathing on earth, nothing spectacular about them. They love you more than you love them and well, they are boring. But they are very, very safe for a relationship. Chances of you losing them are slim. So, all you have to do is chill. The problem is if there are any rewards, they are very low and boring. This is the kind where you hardly want them to have conversations with your friends for fear that they may disappoint you. That is low risk and boring. High risk is fun, passionate, loving and usually dangerous in some way. Hence the Ma14 scenario, if you do not die in action with them, you will die of poverty, your wife will murder you or you get a heart attack when the kid leaves you. That is high risk.
So, the question is what class of investment are you and which class do you prefer to be in a relationship with, high risk, medium or low risk?
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