It is a beautiful Saturday morning and he decides to go shopping. He drives around town looking for a couple of items to add to his closet. Where he ends up buying says a lot about his woman. Yes, where your man buys his stuff says a lot about you ladies, this is my story and I am sticking to it. Ebile ga ke boele morago!

A man can buy from a luxury store, a regular store or the flea market and this as we all know defines his taste. I am not talking about those men who try to impress by taking out loans to buy clothes, I mean men who spend their hard earned cash on the clothes they buy.

I believe that the man who buys from a luxury store wants quality and is willing to part ways with his money in order to get what he wants. Also, since quality merchandise lasts quite a long time, this man is in effect committing to whatever he is buying as it will be with him for quite a long time. So, long in fact that the only way to get rid of the clothes might be to give them away and even when this happens, this man will be sure to pass the clothes on to someone who would care very well for them.

The man who buys from a regular chain store is very economical and does not want to spend too much money on things like clothing. There are other things he would rather spend his money on but he is still a bit conscious of quality. He believes that if he buys from a place where most people buy, then he is safe because a lot of people cannot be wrong. Clothes from regular chain stores are not the worst but they are also not the best. Yes, they will last a reasonable period but they will die out sooner than later and most people are aware of this when they buy from them. The commitment here is interesting because it is only worthwhile while the clothes are still new and after that they are thrown out or used to wash the car kana di a foreifa!

Then there is the man who will buy straight from the flea market without any hesitation. You see, a flea market is exactly that. In the old days, people would gather together to sell off their old stuff, ke gore makgarakgatshana. And as we all know, old things tend to have fleas in them, tse di lomang bothoko. So, a man who buys from the flea market has no regard for quality and simply wants something to cover his body. The stuff is extremely cheap, has been used a lot by other before and will not last long at all but the man does not care. So, he is not expecting quality or commitment from the clothes at all.

With that said; I believe then that a man who buys luxury clothes chooses carefully where he spends his time and energy. He is looking for a woman who has good quality traits and who is likely to last long in the relationship meaning that she will not bore or irritate him to death. She will therefore be with him for a long time and the man does not mind trading his time for the woman. He wants commitment from her and vice versa. So, if your man likes luxury stuff, then you are a great woman.

The man who buys from the regular chain stores is looking for a woman who is also regular and does not stand out from other women. He feels safe in choosing women who are similar to his friends’ women as it would mean they have tested the waters for him. He is most likely to date a friend of his best mate’s woman. He will be committed for as long as she is still new and after that he gets rid of her kana o foreifa ka ene, meaning he will use her for silly times like at 4am. If this type of men chooses you then you are just regular.

The flea market man is looking for any woman who will not be expensive to maintain and he is not looking for commitment from her. He usually does not care what she looks like and is willing to trash her when he is done. She is likely to be a woman who does not care too much of herself or has been around with quite a lot of men before and does not care. So, if your guy is a flea market guy, then you definitely have fleas. A kalo a me!

And the same goes for men bagaetsho, especially that women shop the most. The question is which woman are you and which man is yours?


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