I love farming although I do not have the patience of it. I think it is the idea that I love. There is something very regal about a man with a farm or possibly there is something very ‘rich’ about a man with a farm At least you know for sure that the works hard for the family.
That said, I have made a rather interesting realization. That the type of animals a man keeps shows the type of person he is or his mannerisms. I am from Bobirwa where we keep cattle as primary livestock and everything else is just change. Re batho ba kgomo, and infact re bina Nare, kgomo ya naga. It is to my observation that those from the northern and central parts of Botswana tend to keep cattle and large game as opposed to the southern side where you will find a lot of goats. Now, do not get me wrong, I have hinted this in a previous article and it is a mere observation, not a judgement of character. Ga ke bate go ikgolega.
You see, a cow is a very large animal and it is general very heavy and slow in its movements. It spends the day with its head down walking long distances to find food and water only to come back home in the evening. A cow is a trusting animal, it trusts that you will look after it best hence it coming back even though it can very well survive long periods without much human care. A cow can also get very aggressive when the need arises, which shows that its humble behavior is a choice. It is also quite patient and needs one to be patient with it as it takes time and a lot of money to keep.
A goat on the other hand is a very sneaky animal. It is quick, very industrious and will do whatever it takes to get what it wants. It spends the day climbing bushes to get the juiciest shoots and it is such an alert animal as it will always quickly react to any situation as if it had been on guard all the time. Now, from my little experience with animals, I will say that those animals which are most on guard know that their defense is seeing danger from far and escaping it. It cannot do much once it has arrived, yet the same animal will be the one to test waters.
That said, it made me wonder if this reflects on the people who rear them. I mean, does the type of animal you choose to keep show the type of person you really are. If you stay in the same place with things which act in ways you do not like, you will find a way to keep your distance from them. So, this might mean that the man who keeps cattle is a patient man and he knows that only time and hard work will get him the rewards he desires. He moves slow in his work and is humble yet will strike mercilessly and fatally if need be. Ke mmata jang ene yo o.
On the other side, the one who keeps goats might be an energetic man who knows what he wants and how to get and will het it. He is constantly on guard because to get what he wants he constantly has to step on other people’s toes. He also does not want to spend too much money on anything unless he knows it will give him rewards quickly. The scary thing about such a man is that he might be too impatient for a growing relationship.
In this case, I will take a cow over a goat anyday. The question is which animal are you and which do you prefer? Kgomo kana podi?
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